Bethlehem Pickleball Tournament Fundraiser
Our first Pickleball Fundraiser was a huge success! Thank you for helping us raise $23,000! This money will help us offset a grant we were awarded to purchase a new handicap-accessible van and transportation software. Thank you! We’re already making plans for next year!
October 5, 2024 (Rain Date 10/6/24)
Elm Avenue Park, Delmar, NY Pickleball Courts
Novice thru Advanced Levels
All players must register and pay on our tournament page at PIckleballBracket.com. All details can be found there, including setting up an account for first-time players, self-rating guidelines, divisions (women’s, men’s, doubles), and much more.
Sponsorship Levels
The Sponsor deadline has passed. Please consider making a donation.
Every day, countless seniors in our community face loneliness and isolation. Here in Bethlehem, we believe in taking care of our seniors, ensuring they live with dignity and joy. Our older adults deserve to remain part of the community they helped build, to continue living independently and vibrantly.
We're hosting the Bethlehem Senior Projects Pickleball Tournament to support senior wellness and community engagement. We have several sponsorship levels available, each providing valuable exposure for your business, including logo placements, social media shoutouts, t-shirts, and court sponsorships.
Through Bethlehem Senior Projects, your sponsorship helps provide essential transportation and organizes social and educational programs that are lifelines for our seniors. From medical appointments to cancer treatments and grocery shopping, your support makes all the difference. Additionally, we combat hunger by providing the financial backbone of Bethlehem's Food Pantry, an important emergency lifeline for residents in need.
How to Become a Sponsor in 3 Easy Steps
Complete our Sponsor Application via Google Forms
Make your payment (must be received within 5 days of application)
Send your company logo (digital and print formats) and payment (must be received within 5 days of application.
Questions? Call Leslie Horn Trosset at 518-281-3608 or email: bethseniorprojects@gmail.com.
How to make your payment:
To pay by credit card via PayPal, visit our PayPal Payment Link
To pay by check:
Make your check payable to Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc., and mail to:
Bethlehem Senior Projects, Inc.
445 Delaware Ave.
Delmar, NY 12054
(you may also drop your check off at the Town Hall Senior Services Dept)
Want to Learn Pickleball?

Thank you to our Sponsors
With heartfelt gratitude, we extend our deepest thanks to our incredible sponsors and donors. Your generosity directly enhances the lives of seniors in Bethlehem, providing them with opportunities for connection, joy, and an enriched quality of life. Your commitment shows that you care about creating a community where every senior feels valued and supported. Together, we’re making a lasting impact.
Capital Area Physical Therapy | Helping Hands | Mess to Bliss | Buenau’s Opticians | Take 2 Artworks | World’s Okayist Pickleball Club | Pickleball Galaxy
A message from David VanLuven, Bethlehem Town Supervisor
A short clip from Supervisor David VanLuven’s remarks at the Ribbon Cutting for Elm Avenue Park’s beautiful 10 new Pickleball Courts.